Saturday, June 14, 2008

Canoeing Down The Kinchafoonee

This afternoon I went canoeing down the Kinchafoonee Creek. I went with my buddy Lee. This was the first time this year that I've gone canoeing. It took us about four hours to go about 9 miles down the creek. There was not much current to help us out. Along the way We saw a Doe and her fawn, several turtles, all kinds of birds and lots of fish. It was overcaste for most of the afternoon so it was wasn't too hot. All in all a good way to spend a summer day.


Jay said...

Did Janey go canoeing too?

George Houston said...

No, she wanted to go but, I told her that she couldn't wiggle. So, she said that she would go with me when she was 7 or 8 or 10.