Here I am with Mrs. Tri Runner.

This is obviously a Pre Race Pic. Can’t You Tell By The Facial Expression.

Here I am just after I finished. Every time I cross the finish line at a race, I'm always welcomed by a hug from Sarah Jane.

The best part about this race is that they have chili for you. By the way, you have to run fast if you want to eat any. I talked with several runners who missed out.

At the Chili Run you don't get medals, you get hot sauce.
Here's my 3rd place hot sauce.
Mrs. Tri Runner aka Jay, thought it would be funny to take a picture of me kissing my trophy. I didn't think it would be that funny. However I still did it, so laugh it up. By the way here is proof that I kiss with my eyes closed.
Chili after a race sounds almost as awesome as the SNL commercial with Cookie Dough Gatorade.
Since when am I "Mrs. Trirunner" ?
I don't mind... I kind of like it.
---and check out your thighs in that top picture.
Oh... and you don't always kiss with your eyes closed, but I didn't know that it was up for dispute and proof was needed...
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