Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Country Music Marathon Pre Race Report

Let me be honest. Right now I’m SO NERVOUS! In less than three days I will be toeing the line at the Country Music Marathon. I feel like it’s the first day at a new school. You know what I mean. You’ve been going to school all your life but this one is different. You don’t know where to go and really what you are doing. Right now I’m still trying to figure out the ends and outs. Like what time to leave, where am I going, what times do have to be there and so on. I think I will be a nervous wreck until I’m in the corral waiting for the race to start. The marathon is the least scary part of the whole thing. I’m glad this isn’t my first marathon because at least I know what to expect from the race. But part of my anxiety is coming from the excitement from doing the race. From what I know it’s going to be a blast!

Now my plan for the race is to have a good time and enjoy the race. I don’t think I’ll get a PR at this marathon for a couple of reasons. One – I don’t think I’ve trained enough to really get a PR. Two – this will be the hilliest course that I’ve ever raced on. So, I would be happy with a time under 5 hours. I plan on doing the Galloway Method of running & walking. I will do a 3:1 ratio for the race. That ratio work great at my last marathon so I’ll try it again.

To help you get the picture, here is a video of Highlights from 2008. Enjoy!


Rachel Manwill said...

Good luck!! You're gonna do great! (I can say this now but I'll be a wreck before my marathon in October -- which will be my first -- and I always get really anxious before a race.) You're gonna have a great time though! Can't wait to hear how it goes :)

Chloe said...

You are going to do awesome! That is suppose to be such an amazing race. I can't wait to read your race report!

Jordan said...

remember to have fun!

Anonymous said...

You'll do great!! Sometimes it's better not to 'race' the race and just soak it in. I can't wait to read the report! this one is definitely on my list of "races to do", it looks like a big partyyyy.:)


Learning As I Go said...

You are going to do good don't worry. How exciting...I am still working on running period. I have a ways to go for a marathon. Have fun, can't wait to read about it. I'll cheer you on from Florida :)
Good luck, which I know you won't need.