Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bribing Children With Ice Cream

While I'm tapering for the County Music Marathon I don't have too much to talk about. But here is a cool video to enjoy. These guys are funny. You can check out there web site at I found out about them from Runner Dude's Blog.

Is bribing children with icream so wrong?

What's funny about that video is that I'm the way with my daughter. You see I'm tring to teach her how to ride her bike. So when I get the chance I'll put her own her bike & we will go around the block. She will ride & I will walk. To go around the block is just over one mile and it will take us about 25 minutes to make own lap. But somewhere along the way she will get tired and want to quit.

I tell her that if she can go the whole way around I'll give her a popcickle or icecream when we get back to the house. Usually that will do the trick and she will keep on going. Sercetly I love to walk with her while she rides. This is where we can talk without any interuptions

Here she is last summer on her bike.


Learning As I Go said...

Your daughter is so cute. I take my girls on walks all the time. You aren't the only one that bribes your daughter with icecream. I do the same thing every now and then. My problem is the icecream lady stops in front of my house and waits five minutes to see if anyone comes out. I am starting to not like her. lol

Rachel Manwill said...

Umm...I bribe myself with ice cream. Wrong? Yes. Detrimental to my training? Probably. Effective? Extremely :).

Sarah said...

If I could find an adult-sized version of that exact bike, I would ride around non-stop. No ice-cream bribes necessary.