Monday, March 8, 2010

Albany Marathon 2010 Race Report

Last Saturday I finished my Fifth marathon. It was my third time to run the Snickers Marathon in Albany, Ga. The weather was beautiful to run. The temps were in the upper 20’s and it warmed up to somewhere in the lower 60’s.

I ran the first half with my friends from Albany Run / Walk. We did a 2:1 (run/walk) for the first 13.1 miles. This was a great pace for me. I knew that I hadn’t trained enough to have a fast time and I wanted to be at the half way point around 2:30 and I was there at 2:25.

From there I stated to pick up my pace. I switched to a 3:1 (run/walk). Between mile 14 & 15 I ran past my mom’s house where I had my family and some friends waiting for me. I gave hugs & high fives and took off my long pants & jacket and ran with my daughter to the corner.

Here is Sarah Jane cheering me on!

The other two years at this race once I pass my family the race seems to get harder. But this year I was feeling good and so I keep pushing my pace. I wanted to catch up with the 4:45 pace group. I had them in my sights around mile 20. But there is where I stopped at a pot-o-potty. Once I stopped I couldn’t get my legs to start back again. I was beginning to fade. I had not run enough long runs to have a fast time for this marathon. I could give excuses like work or my wife was pregnant but at the end of the day I just didn’t get in the long runs and somewhere around mile 23 I was pretty much done running.

Here I am somewhere between mile 23 & 24. I saw my friend Scott and talked with him for a minute before I had to press on.

I keep looking at my watch thinking I could still finish within the five hour mark but I just didn’t have it in me. I would run when I saw a photographer because I didn’t want my picture taken of me walking.

When I got in sight of the finish line I picked it back up. Sarah Jane was waiting for her dad to run across the finish line with me. I had several friends there yelling my name and cheering me on. I had so many that the guy with microphone came over the loud speaker and started cheering me on. I finished the race just under 5:15 chip time.

Below is my Church's Tent at the Finish Line. It is so nice to have lots for friends waiting for you at the end of a marathon!

Here is me and my friend Robby. He finished his first Half Marathon!

Life Is Good!


Anonymous said...

If you had not gotten HIGH in the pot-o-potty, you could have done better....

Whitney said...

Congrats on your marathon! We had a wonderful weekend, and I think Robby might be getting addicted to this whole running thing!

Heather said...

Congratulations!! 5 marathons is awesome!

Julie @ ROJ Running said...

Congrats on your 5th marathon!

Lindsay said...

congrats on #5!! great photos - love little SJ cheering and running into the finish with you :) adorable.