Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scavenger Run

Last week Albany Run Walk had a Scavenger Run.  I gave all the groups a sheet with clues and they had to run to said object, building, or landmark in Downtown Albany. Each group had to take a group photo in front of the clue.  The first group that had all the pictures in the right order won. 

In the past I've always loved the weeks that we would run the Scavenger Run because you forget that you are running because you have a different challenge.  It's like you are racing to find all the clues and not running in a big loop.  It's like giving your workout a big breath of fresh air.  Here is a video form the run.  Enjoy! 


Lindsay said...

so fun! i've heard about the "city chase" version of these. haven't done one myself though. you guys are looking at the ground in a lot of those photos, was that part of the requirement?

George Houston said...

Thanks Lindsay. I think that they were looking at the ground because the clue called for it or they were reading to find out where they had to run to next.