Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boston Mini Marathon Race Report

Had a good time at the race. There was a light rain at the start of the race. It was warmer than it should have been so the light rain felt good. It was over caste for the whole race with a light head wind on the way back in.

I did a 4:1 run/walk. The first 6.55 miles I was feelin' good. My time at the half way point was 54 minutes. Once I made the turn to head back into town I was out of gas. I realized that I had not run enough base miles to have the finishing time that I was hoping for.

My finish time was 2:02:40. Not happy with that time. I was seven minutes off of my time from last year. I was pretty tired the last 5K. I came to a point where I started to run harder not to have a fast time but to the race over with. I was tired to running. Plus my feet were hurting very bad. I was scared that when I took off my shoes that they would be bleeding.

Here is a short video from the race. The last picture on the video I look like I'm half dead because that's about how I felt just after the race.

On the way home Jay saw a Corn Field Maze. So we had to stop. The dollar we paid to do the race was worth it. I was glad that we didn't split up because it was tuff. We got so lost in the maze. I think it took us about 10 minutes to finish the whole thing.


Jay said...

AH... that's a lovely picture of me at the end. Probably my favorite ever... oh wait. No, sorry... it's the other way around. :) But the maze was fun.

Mackie said...

...was that Smiling Assasins by any chance?

George Houston said...

Your are correct Sir. The song in the video is "Run You Down" off the album Smiling Assassin by John Hermann.

I love me some Jo Jo & pretty much anything else Widespread Panic.

I was going to us the song Boston by Augustana but I couldn't get it to work with my video editing software.