1. I will propose a plan to fix the energy problem. I plan to install Bike lanes on all Highways & Road Ways. I want to ensure the Safety of every cyclist. Not only will the American People have less pollution but it will solve our problem on foreign fuels.

2. Health Care Reform. I will build more Gyms. The new Government Gyms will be free to the American People and they will be open 24 hours a day. There will be Spin Classes, Yoga, and Juice Bars for Everyone. This will ensure that everyone will have the chance to live longer and healthier life.

3. The Economy. I plan to give a tax write-off for race entry fees. This will encourage more people to travel to different races and be able to spend more money on travel and training gear.

4. I promise to build more pools in more parts of town. My plan would include build more Long Course Pools in more communities. I plan on offering Swimming Lessons to all kids and give tax breaks to Americans who are Lifeguard Certified & know CPR.

5. I plan to Be Tuff on Crime. I will have a Zero Tolerance Policy on Doping & Enforce all Drafting Rules.

6. I plan to do away with treadmills & dreadmills. I build community indoor tracks for rainy day and cold weather runs.

The Race is On & the Road To Change Is Long. I Ask That That You Will Elect A Candidate That Can Lead The Pack. Can I Count On You For Your Vote?
Haha, the fist picture is my favorite. Go for it.
Sounds great!
very cute. where did you get those pictures?
thanks. you can make your own at,
I'm in! Where do I vote?
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