Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm Going To RunThe Boston Marathon!

Don't get too excited just yet. On October 31 I will be running the Boston Mini Marathon in Boston, Ga. This will be my third year to run the Boston Mini Marathon. I love doing this race. The race is an out an back which I love because I know just how far I am from the finish line and who is in front or behind me. The course is pretty much flat. The start and finish line is in Downtown Boston, Ga but that is not saying much. Boston is your average small town in Georgia. Most of the race will be done on a two lane road that goes between farms and cow pastures.

WARNING: I'm Going To Tell A Gross Running Story That Happened To Me 2 Years Ago. You've Been Warned!

I got my PR for the half marathon distance at this race two years ago. My PR would had been much faster if I was a smarter runner. You see I learned a valuable lesson about not eating anything crazy the night before or morning of a race. I learned this lesson the hard way. Here's how.

You see I was craving Chinese Food the night before so I got myself a big spicy dish. Yum! Then the next morning I forgot to eat breakfast so I thought a chicken biscuit and a glass of sweet tea would hold me over till after the race. Boy was I wrong. As soon as I got to the race I was looking for the bathroom.

I thought I was good but once the race started I was in trouble again. There was only one port-o-potty on the course and it was around the 5K mark. For whatever reason I didn't see it. I made it till about mile 9 or 10 until I could hold it no longer. I didn't know what I was going to do because there was no where to go because it was all wide open cow pastures. I finally found a small wooded lot to answer the call of nature.

All my friends laugh at me when I finished the race with out my shirt on. However I did set a PR at this race and I have yet to beat that time from two years ago. But I ldid earn one thing and that is don't eat anything crazy the night before or wear two shirts.

Here is a video of me at the Boston Half Marathon last year.

Life Is Good!


Julie @ ROJ Running said...

Yeahhh I totally took extra TP with me for my marathon just in case bad things like that happened...luckily nothing!

Anonymous said...

"...or wear two shirts" ha! Always prepared, eh??

apparently one of the lady-runners yesterday (Marine corp marathon) decided to not even stop before doing this same thing. Yup, she just kept running and uh...(felt sorry for the people behind her?! gross)...

Lindsay said...

you definitely hooked me :) sounds like a cool race course, though i def prefer small town running over city as it is. good luck this weekend! be careful what you eat! ;)