Friday, October 23, 2009

We Are Excited At My House!

If you didn't know my wife is awesome! My daughter has 50's day at her school today. So, last night my wife made Sarah Jane this skirt. SJ is so excited! I don't know if it is because it 50's Day, or because it's Friday, or if it because she gets out of school early today?!? I bet it is a combination of all three.

What am I getting excited about?

I'm getting excited about tomorrows race. I will be doing a local 5K race here in town called the Riverfront Run. Why am I so excited? Because after I run the 5K I'm going to do the 1 mile fun run with Sarah Jane.

The Riverfront Run is not my "A" Race and I'm not looking for a PR at this 5K (however that would be nice) but I am looking to have fun. I've been running hard and lifting hard all week so my legs are spent. I had trouble getting out of bed this morning because they were sore for yesterday's tempo run and leg workout at the gym.

My plan is to get to the race early enough to run the 5K course once very slow as a warm up. Then do the the 5K. Followed by a 1 mile fun run with my daughter. That would give me just over 7 miles for the day.

I'm also getting excited about spending time with my family this weekend. We have a lot of hanging out planned.

So, What are YOU getting excited about?

Have A Great Weekend Everybody!


trials of training said...

Have fun with SJ! That skirt is adorable, your wife is talented! :)

I'm excited for a 10k - LOVE short races!!!

have a gooood weekend!

Jay said...

no "life is good"?

---and We are excited! Although, i am not sure what SJ is going to run in --- it's supposed to be COLD here tomorrow! Time to bust out the running suit, I guess. :)