Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October Totals

Here is a list of things I did over the month of October:

Number of Runs - 16

Longest Run - 13.1 miles

Shortest Run - 1 mile

Number of Gels used - 6

Biked Once - 15 miles

Number of Twits - 233

Lifted Weights - 5 times

Number of Races Ran - 2

Number of Miles I ran with my daughter - 2

Number of PR's - 1

Number of Blog Post - 25

Number of Hill Workouts - 2

Number of Tempo Runs - 4

Number of sticks of deodorant used - 1

Number of Three mile runs - 10

Most Miles in one week - 23 miles

Total Miles Ran - 68


Marlene said...

I love numbers! Great idea for a post/month recap.

Anonymous said...

You Counted the number of times you "tweeted"?? Oh, man.


Love the numbers! You're very conservative with that deodorant, btw.

Lindsay said...

lol. i like the random tallies -- tweets, deodorant usage... does anyone go through more than one deo stick a month? i feel like mine lasts for 2+ months? at least more than 1 month anyway. hmmm, maybe i'm the stinky kid?