If you scroll down a few post you will a picture of my "New" Truck. The truck is new to me and that is about it. I bought a 1971 Ford F100. Over the last two weeks I've learned more about trucks that I ever thought I would. So far I've put two new tires on it, changed out the brake lights, add an air filter, changed out the thermostat, installed seat belts, changed the oil, fix the power steering, add weather stripping, change out the anti-freeze, and replaced the water hoses. I've spent more time working on the truck than working out.
Right now it is in the shop because I can't get the choke put on it. I'm hoping that once the choke is put on that the truck will be good to go. All I need that truck to do is run and so far it hasn't worked when I've need it to.
So while it is in the shop I've been biking more. The past two days I've been biking to work and I'm lovin' it. Yesterday I put a rack on the back of my bike so I can use it as a commuter bike during the week but I can take the rack off and use it to train with on the weekends.
Right now I'm saving a ton of money by riding my bike. My truck is only getting 10 miles per gallon and I'm spending about $200 bucks a month on gas. Even when the truck gets out of the shop I think I'll keep riding my bike to work while the weather is nice. Not having a car payment and not having to pay for gas rocks.
This weekend will be the real test. My wife is going out of town which means I will solely depend on my bike. The weather calls for rain all weekend. I may change my mind about the whole bike as a vehicle thing. After this weekend I will either love it or hate.
good for you, I would be tired by the time I reached work.
I would LOVE to be able to bike to work...but there is no way to go about 30 minutes on the highway safely. Your image made me laugh sooo hard BTW and congrats on your daughter's TRI, she looked so happy!
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