For those of you who have been reading my blog you will know that this past weekend I was using my bike as my vehicle because my truck was in the shop and my wife and daughter went to Nashville to see family for the weekend. This was cool with me because I was going to ride my bike all weekend anyways.
On Sunday, I rode my bike to church (do I get a gold start by my name for riding my bike to church?). During church it started to rain. Several people offered to give me a ride home. I told them all thanks but I let my mom take me home. The storm wasn't going to last long so the plan was eat lunch, put a load of clothes in the washing machine and then run 7 miles back to the church and then ride my bike home. No big deal right? I was planning on running 6 miles on Sunday so what is one more mile. So, I ran back up to the church got on my bike and started to head back home.
When I got to the corner of Whispering Pines & Nottingham I need to make a left turn. I saw a white car that had a yield sign and they were going to yield to my left turn. There was also another green car on Nottingham that was going to turn left onto Whispering Pines. The green car had a stop sign and was suppose to yield to my left turn. I was watching the girls eyes as she looked to the left and then back to the right. When I saw her look back to the right I thought she saw me. So I started my left turn. The green car came to a complete stop for all of one second and then she made her left turn. I keep thinking that she was going to see me but there was nothing I could do. I had already started my turn and I couldn't get out of the way.
She hit the middle back part of my bike and knocked me to the ground. I got up and stared looking at my bike. The front tire was all bent up and the back part of my frame was broken off. She got out of the car and asked if was okay. I told her I was fine but I was more worried about my bike.
There was another man in a red truck that stopped. He was an off duty police officer. He called EMS and the APD to come out to the scene. The EMS checked me out and asked it I wanted to go to the hospital. I told them that I was okay.
The police came out and give the girl of the green car a ticket for failing to yield the right of way. She didn't have her driver's license on her and she was in her friend’s car. She said that he had insurance on it but I won't know till I get the police report. The office on duty said that I should be able to get it by Tuesday.
Other than a few cuts, scratches, and some road rash I'm okay. The guys at the bike shop say that because the back of the fame is broken that I should be able to get a new bike from the insurance company which would make me pretty happy. I'm also sad about my shirt. I was wearing my Country Music Marathon race shirt and it got torn in the crash. Another bummer is my training. My left shoulder is very sore. I don't know when I'll be able to swim again. Not to mention I don't have a bike. I was hoping to do a local triathlon in two weeks. How long do you think it will be till I have a new bike from the insurance company? I've also got the August 70.3 that is at the end of September. I need to be on a bike doing long rides to get ready for that. I wonder if insurance will pay me back for my race entry fees if I can't do the race.
Bottom-line is I'm going to be okay. I should get everything else replaced. I want to say Thank You to all my friends and family that called my yesterday and to all my Friends on Twitter and Facebook that were concerned about me. It means a lot! Thanks Guys!
On Sunday, I rode my bike to church (do I get a gold start by my name for riding my bike to church?). During church it started to rain. Several people offered to give me a ride home. I told them all thanks but I let my mom take me home. The storm wasn't going to last long so the plan was eat lunch, put a load of clothes in the washing machine and then run 7 miles back to the church and then ride my bike home. No big deal right? I was planning on running 6 miles on Sunday so what is one more mile. So, I ran back up to the church got on my bike and started to head back home.
When I got to the corner of Whispering Pines & Nottingham I need to make a left turn. I saw a white car that had a yield sign and they were going to yield to my left turn. There was also another green car on Nottingham that was going to turn left onto Whispering Pines. The green car had a stop sign and was suppose to yield to my left turn. I was watching the girls eyes as she looked to the left and then back to the right. When I saw her look back to the right I thought she saw me. So I started my left turn. The green car came to a complete stop for all of one second and then she made her left turn. I keep thinking that she was going to see me but there was nothing I could do. I had already started my turn and I couldn't get out of the way.
She hit the middle back part of my bike and knocked me to the ground. I got up and stared looking at my bike. The front tire was all bent up and the back part of my frame was broken off. She got out of the car and asked if was okay. I told her I was fine but I was more worried about my bike.
There was another man in a red truck that stopped. He was an off duty police officer. He called EMS and the APD to come out to the scene. The EMS checked me out and asked it I wanted to go to the hospital. I told them that I was okay.
The police came out and give the girl of the green car a ticket for failing to yield the right of way. She didn't have her driver's license on her and she was in her friend’s car. She said that he had insurance on it but I won't know till I get the police report. The office on duty said that I should be able to get it by Tuesday.
Other than a few cuts, scratches, and some road rash I'm okay. The guys at the bike shop say that because the back of the fame is broken that I should be able to get a new bike from the insurance company which would make me pretty happy. I'm also sad about my shirt. I was wearing my Country Music Marathon race shirt and it got torn in the crash. Another bummer is my training. My left shoulder is very sore. I don't know when I'll be able to swim again. Not to mention I don't have a bike. I was hoping to do a local triathlon in two weeks. How long do you think it will be till I have a new bike from the insurance company? I've also got the August 70.3 that is at the end of September. I need to be on a bike doing long rides to get ready for that. I wonder if insurance will pay me back for my race entry fees if I can't do the race.
Bottom-line is I'm going to be okay. I should get everything else replaced. I want to say Thank You to all my friends and family that called my yesterday and to all my Friends on Twitter and Facebook that were concerned about me. It means a lot! Thanks Guys!
I had put a rack on there and you can see where it broke off from the frame
you left out the part where she wanted to give you ten bucks for your "tire"... and you told her that she didn't have enough money in the bank for the valve stem...
Thank goodness you are ok! I got hit once when I used to live in Japan. It scared me off the roads for a while. I just started riding regularly in London, and the cars are the least of my worries - I got hit last week by another cyclist which scared the pants off me (well, not literally). I totally know what you feel, and once again, thank goodness you are ok.
Did you really say that to her?
I'm glad you're okay.
Bikes can be replaced. People, however, cannot.
OMG, I'm glad you weren't seriously injured!!!!! My friend's dad was hit by a car while on his bike about a year ago and he broke his hip and femur and has had to have a number of you're lucky it wasn't worse!
On the other hand, I can totally feel your frustration with the bike situation. That sucks!! And you know how long insurance companies take to pay out... :( I hope everything works out and you can get your bike replaced SOON so you can get back to training! Do you have any friends that would let you borrow their bikes in the mean time??
Gah!! I can't believe this, glad you're okay!!!
Can you rent a bike in the meantime? I would think a bike store would be understanding of that situation....? Not the same as having *your* bike, but could be an option.
Glad ur ok.. If you don't think you will be able to do the race, email them and explain what happened. They should be nice enough to give your money back. I was in the same situation and the RD refunded my money. Good luck with everything.
thankfully you are ok, wow that is scary. I hope you are feeling better soon. Be careful out there.
Yikes, glad you're ok. I wish more people would pay attention to bikers, I see them get taken out almost everyday where I live. Sad.
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