Monday, February 22, 2010

Sidney Lanier Bridge Run Race Report

I got to the race with my wife & daughter and my friends Whitney and Robby. Whitney & Robby were going to run this race with me. We showed up about an hour early and there were several hundred runners, volunteers, and spectators already there. The first thing we did was grab our race packets. Turns out this race was a chip timed event and we got a cool long sleeve t-shirts. After putting on my timing chip and race number I did a short two mile warm-up to get ready to climb up the bridge.

This was the hardest 5K that I’ve ever ran. I totally underestimated how steep the SL Bridge was. You can see from some of the photos that it was a pretty big incline. The race made you use a lot of your core to keep you up right while you ran. There was a band playing on the very top of the bridge which was very cool. There were tons of photographers out taking our pictures. I was very glad because I had forgotten my camera and was said that I wasn’t going to get any race photos. Turns out two photographers were taking pictures and letting you download them from their website.

jenniferleighphotography's and lifestories

The race was a run over the bridge and then turn around and run back. I felt good running to the top and flew down to the bottom. But the run back to the top hurt. When I was near the top I want to throw up. I was very sad that I couldn’t. The run back down wasn’t as easy I thought it would be. This was a HARD 5K! Georgia Multisports did the timing of the race. You can get the race results HERE. I finished with a time of 26:01. The time was about 4 minutes slower than my average 5K time. So whatever that means.

The race was ton of run. It is defiantly not your average 5K. There were over 672 people who ran in the race. I hope to get the chance to run in it again one day.

I love this first photo of me. Not only can you see my spreading my vision of world peace but you and look down the bridge to see how steep the course was.

I like these next two photos because you can see the pain on all the runners face. We are starting to run back up the bridge.

Life Is Good


Jay said...

"spreading your vision of world peace"? that literally made me LOL.

Love you.

Heather said...

Congrats for conquering such a beast of a race. I cant believe how steep that bridge is.

Jamie said...

Awesome race pics man!