Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Great Week of Training

Surprisingly I had a great week of training considering I’d just ran a marathon last Saturday (March 6th). My week started out on Monday with my running group, Albany Run/Walk who had scheduled the Mizuno ‘Run With Us Truck” to come out and fit us for shoes. The ‘Run With Us Truck’ is a grass root campaign to get runners into Mizuno shoes. They are not even selling shoes out of this truck. They simply fit you for the shoe that you need to run in. I already run in Mizunos but it has been a while since I’d been fitted for shoes and I was curious if I was running in the right pair of shoes. As it turns out with my bowlegs and duck feet that I was in the correct motion control shoe for my feet. What’s funny is everyone that I run with was in the ‘wrong’ type of shoe except for me. I was actually fitted for the same shoe that I’d been running in for years. So, I put my 'new' fitted shoes on and did a mile in them and they felt great. Since I buy my shoes mostly online it was nice to try on different sizes to make sure that I was getting a good fit. After the shoe fitting we went to the local Mexican Restaurant for dinner to celebrate the marathon and a great season of running.

Tuesday I got on the bike and rode outside for the first in time in what seemed like weeks. It felt good to be out there having the wind blow me around. I did a nice easy one hour ride that covered 15 miles.

Wednesday was the first time I ran since the marathon. I did a 2:1 (run/walk) ratio. My legs were a little stiff at first but loosened up after the run. I didn’t know if running so soon after the marathon would be a good thing. Turns out it was. I feel like the slow run really stretched out my legs and they weren’t as sore the next day.

Thursday night I got on the bike trainer for about 30 minutes. I did a hard workout on there. After wards I did a good bit of pushups, sit ups, and pull ups.

Friday I did another hour long run. I went with the 2:1 (run/walk) ratio. I felt REALLY Good during this run and my pace showed it. I was able to run a half of mile longer that I was on Wednesday. After the run I did more core work.

Saturday I’d planned on a long bike ride in the morning but I stayed up too late watching the Dawgs get beat in the SEC Tournament to wake up the next morning. Luckily I was able to find time that afternoon to get in a 27 mile ride. The winds were strong last Saturday. I think the gusts were around 20 MPH and it was all head wind on the way back home.

Sunday afternoon I meet up with some friends to do a hour ride. I felt good before the ride but after the ride I was pretty spent. It was an easy ride but all the training from the week was catching up with me.

I had planned on doing around six hours on the week but felt good and did nearly seven hours when you count all the core work. I’m shooting for 8 hours this week of swimming, biking, and running.

Life Is Good.

Monday 3/8 – One mile run with the Mizuno ‘Run With Us Truck’. (7:30)
Tuesday 3/9 – One hour bike ride (15 miles). 3 sets of 25 pushups / 40 sit ups
Wednesday 3/10 – One hour run (5.5 miles). 3 sets of 25 pushups / 40 sit ups / 3 pull-ups
Thursday 3/11 – 30 minutes on the bike trainer. 3 sets of 25 pushups / 40 sit ups / 3 pull-ups
Friday 3/12 – One hour run (5.5) miles.
Saturday 3/13 – 1 hour and 50 minute bike ride (27 miles)
Sunday 3/14– 1 hour bike ride (15 miles) 3 sets of 20 pushups / 40 sit ups

Week of March 8 – 14 Totaled about 7 hours or so working out.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

for someone in marathon recovery mode you sure logged some solid workout time last week! i really need to crack the whip on doing leg exercises, pushups & core work more often. i have found that short, easy jogs are help get the legs loosened up after a marathon too.